So, first things first- I am no cosplayer. I am much too lazy to put together a costume, let alone take the time to make it look even acceptable. So when I go to conventions and see the time and effort others put into their costumes, I am completely amazed. That takes serious creativity and non-laziness which I fail to have. But this past weekend at DragonCon I noticed a few certain cosplayers who went past the standard of costuming and made their outfits even better than the already incredible crowd. And I have to admit, the results were pretty freaking badass.
Steampunk Renditions
“Oh hey, it’s someone dressed in steampunk fashion, that’s pretty cool OH GOD IT’S A TF2 COSPLAYER.” This was my thought process exactly when I spotted the con goers in the picture to the left. This was genius. For the rest of the weekend, I would nerd out whenever I saw a steampunk-clad attendee who was actually a steampunk version of a video game or comic book character. Some other renditions included steampunk Batman, Harley Quinn, and the Joker.
While in line for the fan-made film Browncoat Redemption, two men walked around the line, one dressed as a regular Firefly fan holding a rope, and the other dressed in a suit with the rope around his neck and a sign in his hand that read “The FOX Executive Who Canceled Firefly“. The people in line laughed and cheered many many times. Cosplayers who can take something simple, such as a scene or unanimous opinion, and create a cosplay out of it definitely get a few extra points on the badass scale.
Body paint is either a sweet hit or a brutally terrifying miss when it comes to cosplaying. A hit would include the Kratos we saw, who had taken the (very long) time to paint his entire visible body to take his costume up to a whole new level. A miss would be the SEVERAL NAKED people I witnessed who decided that painting over their boobs was the equivalent of wearing clothing. Trust me, it isn’t. I don’t want to see your nips, thank you.
These were perhaps my favorite type of cosplayers. These guys took usually well-known characters (such as Star Wars characters, seen above) and 8-bit-ified them. Among the 8-bit cosplays were Princess Leia, Boba Fett, Darth Vader, Master Chief, and Harry Potter.
DragonCon 2010 showcased some insane costumes, in the good and bad sense of the word. The hard work that must have been put into so many of the cosplays definitely pays off.
See any other cosplays from DragonCon that are worthy to be in the BAotW Badass Cosplays article? Let us know in the comments!
The post [BAotW @ DragonCon 2010] So...Many...Cosplayers... first appeared on Pixelated Geek.